About the Annual Puerto Aventuras Colonos Ordinary Assembly
Table of Contents
- 1 About the Annual Puerto Aventuras Colonos Ordinary Assembly
- 2 Owner Registration for the Puerto Aventuras Colonos Ordinary Assembly
- 2.1 How to register for the Assembly in person
- 2.2 What if you are unable to attend the Assembly in person?
- 2.3 What is voting by proxy?
- 2.4 Who should you assign your proxy vote to?
- 2.5 How to assign your proxy for the Puerto Aventuras Colonos Ordinary Assembly
- 2.6 Who can attend the Puerto Aventuras Colonos Ordinary Assembly?
- 2.7 Where can you find the Agenda for the April 2023 Assembly?
- 2.8 Is it possible to submit an item for the Assembly Agenda?
- 2.9 Will the Colonos Ordinary Assembly be broadcast online?
- 3 Let your voice be heard!
- 4 Colonos-Covenant Merger Agreement 2022
As you may or may not know, the annual Puerto Aventuras Colonos Ordinary Assembly is scheduled for April 29, 2023. If you are a property owner in Puerto Aventuras, this meeting is your opportunity to participate in the budget planning, organization, day-to-day activities, and future plans for the community you live in.
As an owner in Puerto Aventuras, you have an investment in this community and your voice should be heard. If you are able to be in Puerto Aventuras at the end of April, I encourage you to attend this important meeting.

Owner Registration for the Puerto Aventuras Colonos Ordinary Assembly
In order to attend the Puerto Aventuras Colonos Ordinary Assembly you must first REGISTER IN PERSON at the Colonos offices.
For owners of empty lots, homes and/or condominiums in Puerto Aventuras,
the registration dates are April 17, 18 and 19 from 9 AM – 2:30 PM in the Colonos offices.
The Colonos offices are located in Building F, local #14 in the Central Marina area, just behind the Oxxo and upstairs.
How to register for the Assembly in person
In order to register and be able to vote, you must bring the following:
- Official form of identification (INE, passport, residency card)
- Proof of ownership such as the first few pages of the deed/title in your name or a tax bill (predial) in your name
- Proof that you are current with your maintenance fees which can be a copy of your last maintenance payment to Colonos or a letter from your condominium administrator declaring that you are in good standing

What if you are unable to attend the Assembly in person?
If you are a property owner in Puerto Aventuras and you are NOT AVAILABLE to register and attend the annual Puerto Aventuras Colonos Ordinary Assembly, you can and should assign your voting power to a like-minded person who can attend the meeting in your stead and vote on your behalf. This is called voting by proxy.
What is voting by proxy?
Proxy voting means that a homeowner authorizes another party to represent them in an association meeting or assembly and vote on their behalf. The forms and processes are provided by Colonos and are explained below.
Who should you assign your proxy vote to?
You may assign your proxy vote to any like-minded person in the community who you trust to vote in your name. Your proxy could be a neighbor in your building, your property manager or anyone in the community who will attend the meeting in your stead.
***If you are a new owner and do not know anyone here, several community members have volunteered to act as proxy voters. You may inquire through our CONTACT form to receive their information.
How to assign your proxy for the Puerto Aventuras Colonos Ordinary Assembly
- Download the PROXY form here
- Complete the form, sign it and have your witness sign it
- Scan the proxy form, a copy of your official ID, the official ID of your witness, a copy of your proof of ownership and proof that you are current with your Colonos maintenance fees
- Email all of the above to your intended proxy holder
- The proxy holder will print up and sign the proxy and have their witness sign
- The proxy holder will submit the proxy document, the copy of the proof of ownership and copies of all the official IDs to the Colonos offices on April 17, 18 or 19.
If you own multiple properties, a separate Proxy form must be completed for EACH property to exercise your complete voting rights.

Who can attend the Puerto Aventuras Colonos Ordinary Assembly?
Anyone is welcome to attend the meeting however only registered owners in good standing and approved proxy holders may vote.
Where can you find the Agenda for the April 2023 Assembly?
The agenda for the Puerto Aventuras Colonos Ordinary Assembly on April 29, 2023 is detailed in the “Call for Ordinary Assembly” which was published on March 29, 2023.
Find the agenda for the Colonos Ordinary Assembly in English here
Is it possible to submit an item for the Assembly Agenda?
Yes, registered owners in good standing may submit an item(s) to the agenda any time before April 20, 2023. The proposal must be submitted in person to the Colonos offices.
*** Additional agenda items will be addressed if all the scheduled business has been finished.
Will the Colonos Ordinary Assembly be broadcast online?
The Puerto Aventuras Colonos Ordinary Assembly on April 29, 2023 will be broadcast via Zoom. A link will be provided a few days in advance of the meeting. A recording of the broadcast will be made available a few days later.
Let your voice be heard!
If you wish to register to attend the Puerto Aventuras Colonos Ordinary Assembly or vote by proxy, please follow the steps above as soon as possible. For owners of empty lots, homes and/or condominiums in Puerto Aventuras, the registration dates are April 17, 18 and 19 from 9 AM – 2:30 PM in the Colonos offices. After that time, registration is closed.
The information above has been graciously provided by Colonos. Should you require further assistance, please contact their offices directly via email [email protected].
Colonos-Covenant Merger Agreement 2022
For your reference, we have included an English translation of the Colonos-Covenant merger agreement. The original, legally binding document (in Spanish) was signed by all parties on June 24, 2022.