Important Information for All Puerto Aventuras Property Owners
Table of Contents
- 1 Important Information for All Puerto Aventuras Property Owners
- 1.1 What are the open positions on the COLONOS Board of Directors and the Vigilance Committee?
- 1.2 What is the role of the Board of Directors?
- 1.3 What is the role of the Vigilance Committee?
- 1.4 What is the time commitment required to sit on the BOD and/or the VC?
- 1.5 Who is qualified to sit on the BOD or VC? What are the requirements for consideration for a position?
- 1.6 When is the process and deadline for submission?
- 2 Owner Registration for the 2024 COLONOS Ordinary Assembly in Puerto Aventuras
- 2.1 How to register for the 2024 Ordinary Assembly in person
- 2.2 What if you are unable to attend the Assembly in person?
- 2.3 What is voting by proxy?
- 2.4 Who should you assign your proxy vote to?
- 2.5 How to assign your proxy for the 2024 Puerto Aventuras COLONOS Ordinary Assembly
- 2.6 Who can attend the 2024 COLONOS Ordinary Assembly in Puerto Aventuras?
- 2.7 Where can you find the Agenda for the March 2024 General Assembly?
- 2.8 Is it possible to submit an item for the Assembly Agenda?
- 2.9 Will the Assembly meeting be translated into English and broadcast via Zoom?
- 3 Let Your Voice Be Heard!
As announced on March 1st, the 2024 COLONOS Ordinary Assembly in Puerto Aventuras will be held on Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 9:00 AM in the salon of the PA Beach Club & Hotel.
If you are a property owner in Puerto Aventuras, this meeting is your opportunity to participate in the budget appropriations, organization, day-to-day activities, and future plans for the community you live in.

What you may not know is that this meeting will determine who sits on the COLONOS Board of Directors (BOD) and Vigilance Committee (VC). These panels of community leaders will be elected at this important meeting.
The people elected are meant to represent your interests and will help to determine the direction of Puerto Aventuras for the next two years.
Members of the community are being asked to rise to the occasion and take a position on the new COLONOS Board of Directors. It is up to us, the property owners and concerned members of this community to accept the challenge and take a seat at the table.
What are the open positions on the COLONOS Board of Directors and the Vigilance Committee?
The open positions to be voted upon for the Board of Directors are President, Secretary and Treasurer
The open positions for the Vigilance Committee are President and 2 Vocals
What is the role of the Board of Directors?
Articles 23, 24, 25 and 26 of the Association By-Laws specify the duties and responsibilities of each role.
Briefly, the Board of Directors is responsible for the administration of the Association and meets at least once a month or as necessary. The President has overall responsibility. The Secretary keeps a record of the BOD meeting minutes, records of Assemblies and other records as required by law.
The Treasurer is responsible for financial matters such as the preparation of annual budgets, the maintenance of up-to-date financial accounts, the collection of membership dues, among other items.
What is the role of the Vigilance Committee?
The role of the Vigilance Committee is described in Articles 32 – 35 in the Association By-Laws.
Briefly, the VC is obliged to check the accounting records, documents or inventory and to inform the BOD of any irregularities in the administration of the Association in order to ensure compliance with the By-Laws and applicable laws and regulations. The members of the VC participate in the Board Meetings with the opportunity for input but no voting power.
In the event that the BOD takes any decision that is non-compliant with the above-mentioned, the VC has the right to veto such a decision. In case of any serious disagreement, the issue would be decided at an Assembly with external auditors appointed by the VC.
What is the time commitment required to sit on the BOD and/or the VC?
The BOD is obliged to meet at least once a month and to prepare for said meetings. They should keep abreast of the day-to-day developments within the Association. Consequently, the time commitment varies depending on the circumstances and the problems encountered.
Who is qualified to sit on the BOD or VC? What are the requirements for consideration for a position?
- All members of the BOD and VC must be property owners in Puerto Aventuras and members in good standing (fully paid up) of the Association.
- They should be full-time residents of Puerto Aventuras in order to comply with the meeting requirements. (This rule has been relaxed to some degree with the advent of Zoom)
- All persons on the BOD or VC should have a working knowledge of Spanish.
- What is the exact procedure for nominating yourself or another person for a BOD position?
When is the process and deadline for submission?
The Association By-Laws state that the applicants must register their intent with COLONOS.
Applications for BOD or VC positions be sent via email to COLONOS or registered in person at the COLONOS office in a sealed envelope.
Applications should contain the following information:
- Your full legal name
- Address of the property you own inside Puerto Aventuras
- BOD or VC Position being applied for or preferred
- Profession or business in which you are engaged
- Qualifications or other activities in which you are engaged that would qualify you for a position
- Any other information considered relevant to the election
Applicants must submit their own application. One cannot nominate another person for a position.
It is recommended that applications be submitted no later than 2 PM on Friday, March 15, 2024.
Normally, COLONOS publishes the names and details of all applicants prior to the Ordinary Assembly so that they may be fully considered by the members in advance of the vote at the Assembly.
If you are personally unable to take a BOD or VC position, please speak to your trusted friends and neighbors and anyone who you think can effect positive change in our community.
As an owner in Puerto Aventuras, you have an investment in this community and your voice should be heard. If you can be in Puerto Aventuras at the end of March, I encourage you to attend this important meeting.

Owner Registration for the 2024 COLONOS Ordinary Assembly in Puerto Aventuras
To attend the 2024 Puerto Aventuras COLONOS Ordinary Assembly you must first REGISTER IN PERSON at the COLONOS offices.
When: For owners of empty lots, homes and/or condominiums in Puerto Aventuras,
the registration dates are March 18, 19 and 20 from 9 AM – 2:30 PM in the Colonos offices.
Where: The COLONOS offices are located in Building F, local #14 in the Central Marina area, just behind the Oxxo and upstairs.
How to register for the 2024 Ordinary Assembly in person
To register and be able to vote, you must present the following:
- Official form of identification (INE, passport, residency card)
- Proof of ownership such as the first few pages of the deed/title in your name or a tax bill (predial) in your name
- Proof that you are current with your maintenance fees which can be a copy of your last maintenance payment to COLONOS or a letter from your condominium administrator declaring that you are in good standing

What if you are unable to attend the Assembly in person?
If you are a property owner in Puerto Aventuras and you are NOT AVAILABLE to register and attend the annual Puerto Aventuras COLONOS Ordinary Assembly, you can and should assign your voting power to a like-minded person who can attend the meeting in your stead and vote on your behalf. This is called voting by proxy.
What is voting by proxy?
Proxy voting means that a homeowner authorizes another party to represent them in an association meeting or assembly and vote on their behalf. The forms and processes are provided by COLONOS and are explained below.
Who should you assign your proxy vote to?
You may assign your proxy vote to any like-minded person in the community who you trust to vote in your name. Your proxy could be a neighbor in your building, your property manager or anyone in the community who will attend the meeting in your stead.
***If you are a new owner and do not know anyone here, several community members have volunteered to act as proxy voters. You may inquire through our CONTACT form to receive their information.
How to assign your proxy for the 2024 Puerto Aventuras COLONOS Ordinary Assembly
- Download the PROXY form here
- Complete the form, sign it and have your witness sign it
- Scan the proxy form, a copy of your official ID, the official ID of your witness, a copy of your proof of ownership and proof that you are current with your Colonos maintenance fees
- Email all of the above to your intended proxy holder
- The proxy holder will print up and sign the proxy and have their witness sign
- The proxy holder will submit the proxy document, the copy of the proof of ownership and copies of all the official IDs to the COLONOS offices on March 18, 19 or 20.
March 21, 2024 is the ONLY day you may register as a representative of a hotel or condominium building.
If you own multiple properties, a separate Proxy form must be completed for EACH property to exercise your complete voting rights.

Who can attend the 2024 COLONOS Ordinary Assembly in Puerto Aventuras?
Anyone is welcome to attend the meeting. Only registered owners in good standing and approved proxy holders may vote.
Where can you find the Agenda for the March 2024 General Assembly?
The agenda for the Puerto Aventuras COLONOS Ordinary Assembly on March 23, 2024 is detailed in the “Call for Ordinary Assembly” which was published on March 1, 2024.
Find the agenda for the 2024 Colonos Ordinary Assembly here.
The official English translation of the Agenda for the Assembly was made available on March 5, 2024 and is linked above for your reference.
Is it possible to submit an item for the Assembly Agenda?
Normally, the Convocatoria invites members to submit topics for discussion/voting at the Assembly.
It is recommended that members submit items to be discussed at the Assembly, under Agenda Item 12, to COLONOS via email [email protected] or in person at the offices before 2 PM on March 15, 2024.
Will the Assembly meeting be translated into English and broadcast via Zoom?
For those who are unable to attend the Ordinary Assembly in person, you can access the meeting in a live transmission via Zoom along with a simultaneous translation by using the following link:
To see the complete information on how to connect to the transmission via Zoom and choose the language in which you wish to follow the Assembly (Spanish or English), click on the following INSTRUCTIONS.

Let Your Voice Be Heard!
If you wish to register to attend the 2024 COLONOS Ordinary Assembly in Puerto Aventuras or vote by proxy, please follow the steps above as soon as possible.
For owners of empty lots, homes and/or condominiums in Puerto Aventuras, the registration dates are March 18, 19 and 20 from 9 AM – 2:30 PM in the COLONOS offices. After that time, registration is closed.
The information above has been graciously provided by COLONOS. Should you require further assistance, please contact their offices directly via email [email protected].